Blogging Duck is a Blog-Application that I created at school for the M183 module. We quite a few requirements to fulfill, so the End-Goal was quite stiff from the beginning. It features the ability to make posts (shocking, I know), write comments, register and login (through Github or username + password + phone 2FA), and much more.
I’ve had a lot of fun trying out new things in the design front. I rarely design light mode applications, so this teached me a lot about how to try to make light mode look good. I also strove away from using my usual “shadow based” light mode design to a much flatter design choice, and I must say that I think it ended up alright. Clearly this is not a super polished look, but I wanted to make it look both nice and also looking “functional” (aka: not too fancy, but also not plain HTML), and I think I succeeded in that.
From the technology perspective this project is nothing impressive. It’s based around SvelteKit for both the frontend and the backend, as well as Prisma (using the sqlite adapter) for the Database.
If you are interested in more details, please look at the file in the project repository for a lot more information about this project.